graduate curriculum
The Industrial & Manufacturing Engineering Department offers two graduate programs: The Master of Science in Industrial Engineering (MS IE) and the Master of Science in Engineering Management (MS EMGT).
The IME Department offers currently enrolled students the option of applying to these programs as Blended (BS+MS or BMS) students.
Current Blended Program Options (as of January 1, 2022)
For the Blended MS in Engineering Management (EMGT), acceptable undergraduate degrees are:
- BS Industrial Engineering
- BS Manufacturing Engineering
- BS Mechanical Engineering
- BS Materials Engineering
- BS Biomedical Engineering
- BS Aerospace Engineering
- BS Environmental Engineering
- BS Computer Science/Software Engineering
For the Blended MS in Industrial Engineering (IE), acceptable undergraduate degrees are:
- BS Industrial Engineering
- BS Manufacturing Engineering
- BS Mechanical Engineering
- BS Materials Engineering
For questions please contact our Graduate Coordinator